Family Life Merit Badge

Family Life
Merit badge requirements
(Required for Eagle)
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  1. Prepare an outline and discuss with your merit badge counselor what your family is and how the actions of one member can affect the other members.

  2. List 10 reasons why you are important to your family. Review these points with your parents or guardians and with your merit badge counselor.

  3. Prepare a list of your regular home duties or chores (at least five) and do them for 90 days. Keep a record of how often you do each of them.

  4. With the approval of your parent/guardians and your merit badge counselor, decide on and carry out a project that you would do around the house that would benefit the family. Submit a report to your merit badge counselor outlining how the project benefited the family.

  5. Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family. After carrying out the project, discuss the following with your merit badge counselor:

    1. The objective or goal of the project.

    2. How individual members of your family participated

    3. The results of the project

  6. Do the following:

    1. Discuss with your merit badge counselor how to plan and carry out a family discussion.

    2. After this discussion, plan and carry out a family discussion to include the following subjects:

      1. How to avoid the use of drugs and drug abuse

      2. Understand the growing-up process, how the body changes and making responsible decisions dealing with sex

      3. Personal and family finances

Merit badge requirements courtesy of Troop 586 Farmington