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The BSA is in the process of revising the requirements for all of the current Merit Badges. In some cases these revisions are complete re-writes where in others only minor changes are being made.

In either case I make a point of checking the accuracy of all of the 120 merit badge requirements available on this site and updating them as needed. The source of the information I use to verify their accuracy is the 2004 Boy Scout Requirements book.

2004 Requirements

The inside flap of the front cover of this book reads as follows:
"The requirements for merit badges, ranks, and Eagle Palms are effective January 1, 2004. These requirements are effective through December 2004.

The requirements listed in this book might not match those in the merit badge pamphlets because the pamphlets may not have been recently revised. The requirements in this book are the official requirements of the Boy Scouts of America."

It is because of this statement that I use this book as the final authority in building and maintaining these web pages.

Please keep in mind, that while I have taken great strides to ensure the accuracy of the Boy Scout advancement information you will find here on this site, you should always refer back to a hard copy of the current Boy Scout Requirements book before signing off a Scout as having completed any of the requirements of any given merit badge or rank.