Athletics Merit Badge

Merit badge requirements
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  1. Write 500 words on how to train for sports.

  2. Give the rules for two track and two field events. Tell what an amateur is.

  3. Prepare plans for holding a sports meet. Outline duties of each official needed.

  4. Serve as an official in an athletic meet or major sport.

  5. Qualify in one event, for your weight, in each of the groups below.

GROUP 1 Under
75 lbs.
95 lbs.
110 lbs.
125 lbs.
140 lbs.
160 lbs.
175 lbs.
200 lbs.
200 lbs.
or over
Running long jump 10'2" 11'6" 12'0" 13'0" 14'0" 15'0" 16'0" 14'0" 10'0"
Running high jump 3'2" 3'6" 3'9" 4'0" 4'3" 4'2" 4'0" 3'6" 3'0"
Standing long jump 5'10" 6'3" 6'9" 7'2" 7'4" 7'6" 7'4" 6'0" 5'0"
Standing high jump 2'6" 3'0" 3'2" 3'4" 3'6" 3'8" 3'5" 3'0" 2'4"
GROUP 2 Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
50-yard dash 8 7.80 7.60 7.20 7 6.60 7 7.60 8.40
100-yard dash       13 12.60 12.40 12.80 14 15.60
6-potato race 36 28 27 26 25 24 28 32 36
GROUP 3 Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds
20-yd swim 19.60 18.40 17.80 17.20 16.60 16.00 15.00 15.80 18.60
40-yd swim 47.00 40.00 39.00 38.00 37.00 36.00 35.00 39.00 40.00
Pull-up 3 5 6 8 10 12 10 6 4
8lb shotput 15' 20' 24' 28' 32' 34' 36' 37' 38'
pushup-floor 7 9 10 12 14 16 17 12 8
18' rope-climb in secs. 29 17 15 13 11 14 17 20 25
Baseball throw* 42' 48' 51' 54' 57' 65' 70' 60' 50'
Baseball distance** 120' 150' 175' 195' 210' 220' 230' 200' 175'
Basketball goal*** 5-8 5-8 6-9 7-10 8-11 9-12 10-13 8-12 6-15
* Baseball throw for accuracy 3 strikes, 6 throws
** Baseball throw for distance
*** Basketball goal shooting (30 seconds) 5-8 means making 5 baskets out of 8 shots, etc.

Merit badge requirements courtesy of Troop 586 Farmington